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Showing Collections: 61 - 70 of 344

Class schedules

 Record Group
Identifier: 4RA1
Scope and Content of the Collection

Materials include student class scheduals for the academic years 1936/37 through 2003/04, as well as course descriptions for 1977-79.

Dates: 1936/37-2003/04

Coaches and Athletics Staff Files

 Record Group — Box: 1
Identifier: 5TQ

Arthur Coghlan, S.J. Papers

Identifier: PP-Coghlan
Dates: Dates (approximate): 1908-1949

Joan Colby Papers

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: PP-Colby-Joan

Collection 1: Congregation History

Identifier: SHF01
Collection description This Collection consists of five series: Series I, Primary Founders; Series II, Superior and Presidents; Series III, Sisters Files; Series IV, Houses; and Series V, Annals. This collection contains background history of the Sisters of the Holy Family (SHF). The materials include the individuals who founded SHF, all of the individual sisters and all of the locations throughout California, Alaska, Hawaii, Nevada, Utah, Texas, and Mexico. Materials are primarily textual, though there is a...
Dates: 1793-2019

Collection 2: Organizational Records

Identifier: SHF02
Collection description This collection consists of seven series: Series I, Constitutions; Series II, Administrative Records; Series III, Meetings and Celebrations; Series IV, Holy Family College; Series V, Spirituality and Vocations; Series VI, Newsletters; and Series VII, Guilds. The collection represents the internal records generated during the routine business and special occasions of the Sisters of the Holy Family, as well as published materials meant for distribution to friends, patrons, and possible...
Dates: 1837-2018

Collection 3: Work of the Sisters

Identifier: SHF03
Collection description This collection is organized into six series: Series I, Parishes; Series II, Vacation Schools; Series III, Disability Programs; Series IV, Day Homes; Series V, Catechisms; and Series VI, Other Ministries. The materials highlight the various works that the Sisters of the Holy Family were involved with in their communities. The sisters were very active within the parishes, taking care of children, the disabled, and many others in need. The collection has a high volume of photographs...
Dates: 1865-2018

Collection 4: Memorabilia

Identifier: SHF04
Collection description This collection contains various artifacts that have been collected over the past century and a half by the Sisters of the Holy Family. The majority of the collection consists of relics, textiles, and souvenirs collected by individual sisters. Most notably there is a traditional habit once worn by Sister Dolores (one of the founding members). There is also a piece of wood that belonged to one of the churches that was built by Father Damien in the leper colonies on the Island of Molokai, HI....
Dates: 1850-2012

Collection 5: Media

Identifier: SHF05
Collection description This collection contains various artifacts that have been collected over the past century and a half by the Sisters of the Holy Family. The majority of the collection consists of relics, textiles, and souvenirs collected by individual sisters. Most notably there is a traditional habit once worn by Sister Dolores (one of the founding members). There is also a piece of wood that belonged to one of the churches that was built by Father Damien in the leper colonies on the Island of Molokai, HI....
Dates: 1850-2012

Collection 6: Reference Files

Identifier: SHF06
Collection description

This collection is comprised of four series: Series I, Catholic Infrastructure; Series II, Archives and Art Research; Series III, Card Catalogs; and Series IV, Transcriptions. The collection contains materials relating to the history of the California Dioceses and Archdiocese, history of the Sisters of the Holy Family, and various research materials.

Dates: 1840-2018

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Archives & Special Collections, Santa Clara University Library 330
/repositories/5 8
Sisters of the Holy Family Archive 6
Santa Clara University (Calif.) -- Archives 146
Santa Clara University (Calif.) -- Administration. 54
Santa Clara University (Calif.) 50
Santa Clara University (Calif.) -- Student Life 18
Photographic prints 17
∨ more
Santa Clara University (Calif.) -- Presidents. 11
Santa Clara University -- History 11
Universities and colleges -- Administration -- California -- Santa Clara. 11
College sports -- California -- Santa Clara 8
Education, Higher -- United States -- California 8
Universities and colleges -- Departments -- California -- Santa Clara 8
College presidents -- California -- Santa Clara. 7
Education, Higher -- California -- San Jose 7
Universities and colleges -- Faculty -- California -- Santa Clara 7
College publications -- California -- Santa Clara 6
Santa Clara (Calif.) -- History, Local 6
Universities and colleges -- Societies, etc. 6
Hubbard, Bernard R. (Bernard Rosecrans), 1888-1962 5
Santa Clara University (Calif.) -- Faculty 5
Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County, Calif.) 5
Business schools -- California -- Santa Clara 4
California -- History -- 19th century -- Archival resources 4
California -- History -- Archival resources 4
Catholic higher education 4
Missions -- California 4
Santa Clara University (Calif.) -- Students 4
Student activities 4
Californios 3
College sports -- California 3
College student newspapers and periodicals -- California -- Santa Clara 3
Counseling in higher education 3
Engineering schools -- California -- Santa Clara 3
Jesuits -- History 3
Performing arts -- California -- Santa Clara 3
Pioneers -- California 3
Santa Clara College (Calif.) 3
Santa Clara County (Calif.) -- History, Local 3
Santa Clara Mission -- History. 3
Santa Clara University (Calif.) -- Basketball 3
Santa Clara University (Calif.) -- Finance 3
Universities and colleges -- Accreditation -- California -- Santa Clara 3
Accreditation (Education) 2
Aeronautics 2
Archaeology 2
Catholic schools 2
Catholic universities and colleges 2
Chicano literature (English) 2
Chicano movement 2
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 2
College campuses 2
College department heads -- California -- Santa Clara. 2
Commencement ceremonies 2
Franciscans -- California 2
Indians of North America -- Missions -- California -- Archival resources 2
Mission Santa Clara de Asis 2
Music -- Manuscripts 2
Novelists, American -- 20th century -- Archival resources 2
Nuns 2
Ohlone Indians -- Missions -- California 2
Religious life 2
San Francisco (Calif.) -- History 2
San Jose (Calif.) -- History, Local 2
Santa Clara University (Calif.) -- Department of History 2
Santa Clara University (Calif.) -- Handbooks, manuals, etc 2
Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County, Calif.) -- History, Local 2
Student publications 2
Students -- Social life and customs 2
Students -- Societies 2
Universities and colleges -- Alumni and alumnae -- California -- Santa Clara. 2
Women -- Societies and clubs 2
Women--Religious aspects--Catholic Church 2
Account books 1
Advertising 1
Agriculture 1
Alaska 1
Alta California 1
American literature -- 20th century 1
American newspapers -- Aptos (Calif.) 1
American newspapers -- Capitola (Calif.) 1
Annual reports 1
Anthropology 1
Anthropology publishing 1
Apples 1
Architecture 1
Augustinians -- Bolivia 1
Bank of America 1
Baptismal records 1
Baseball 1
Beatification 1
Biographies 1
Blueprints 1
Bohemian Club (San Francisco, Calif.) 1
Burial records 1
Business enterprises--United States--History 1
California -- Church history -- Archival resources 1
California -- History -- To 1851 -- Archival resources 1
Catholic Church 1
Catholic universities and colleges--California--Santa Clara. 1
Chaplains 1
Christianity and culture 1
+ ∧ less
English 340
French 4
Spanish; Castilian 4
Italian 3
German 2
∨ more  
Santa Clara University (Calif.) 25
Santa Clara College (Calif.) 21
University of Santa Clara 20
Santa Clara University (Calif.). Office of the President 13
Santa Clara University (Calif.). Department of Athletics 6
∨ more
Santa Clara University (Calif.). Marketing and Communications Office 6
Sisters of the Holy Family (San Francisco, Calif.) 6
Santa Clara University (Calif.). School of Business 5
Hubbard, Bernard R. (Bernard Rosecrans), 1888-1962 4
Santa Clara Mission 4
Spearman, Arthur D. 4
Catalá, Magin, 1761-1830 3
Donohoe, Patrick A., 1914- 3
Engh, Michael E., 1949- 3
Santa Clara University (Calif.). Business and Finance 3
Santa Clara University (Calif.). Office of the University Controller 3
Santa Clara University (Calif.). Student Development 3
Santa Clara University (Calif.). University Institutional Materials 3
Billings, Simone 2
Curry, Jane 2
Lafrance, Helene 2
Morrissey, James P., S.J., Fr. 2
Nobili, John 2
Santa Clara University (Calif.). Academic Affairs 2
Santa Clara University (Calif.). Campus Ministry 2
Santa Clara University (Calif.). Faculty 2
Santa Clara University (Calif.). Office of Student Life 2
Santa Clara University (Calif.). Office of Student Life and Leadership 2
Santa Clara University (Calif.). Office of Student Organizations 2
Santa Clara University (Calif.). Office of Student Records 2
Santa Clara University (Calif.). Office of the Registrar 2
Santa Clara University. Office of University Communications (News Bureau) 2
Academic Advising Committee 1
Accolti Gil, Michele, 1807-1878 1
Affirmative Action Committee. Santa Clara University (Calif.) 1
Alexanderson, Gerald L. 1
Angelo Moneta, S.J. 1
Babcock, Conrad S. (Conrad Stanton), 1876-1950 1
Beilharz, Edwin A. 1
Bell, Catherine M., 1953- 1
Bond Family 1
Bond, Hiram Gilbert, 1838-1906 1
Brunengo, Aloysius, S.J., Fr. 1
Caro, Robert V. 1
Chacón, Ramon 1
Chan, Shu-Park, 1929-2013 1
Cicaterri, Felix, S.J., Fr. 1
Ciocca, Arthur A. 1
Coghlan, Arthur S.J. 1
Colby, Joan 1
Congiato, Nicholas, Fr., S.J., 1816-1897 1
Cook, Frederick , 1865-1940 1
Delbecq, André L. 1
Desmond, Lawrence Gustave, 1935- 1
Dorf, Richard C. 1
Duenas, Ixtlac 1
Edwin R. Boland, S.J,. 1
Elizabeth Moran 1
Eymann, William C. (1917-1978) 1
Fernsworth, Lawrence A. 1
Foster, W.T. 1
Gallagher, Dianna 1
Gianera, William C., S.J., Fr. 1
Giannini, Martha 1
Gleeson, Richard A., S.J., Fr. 1
Goetze, Arlene 1
Greene, Clay Meredith, 1850-1933 1
Hauck, Herman J., S.J., Fr. 1
Hegland, Mary 1
Henry Nettesheim 1
Hichborn, Franklin 1
Hispanic Institute 1
History Department. Santa Clara University 1
Huard, Leo 1
Hylkema, Linda 1
Jesuit School of Theology (Berkeley, Calif.). Office of the Assistant Dean of Students 1
Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley. Board of Directors (Berkeley, Calif.) 1
Jonte-Pace, Diane E. (Diane Elizabeth), 1951- 1
Kahan, Tracey L. 1
Kain, Philip 1
Kenna, Robert E., S.J., Fr. 1
Langlois, Antoine, Fr., S.J. 1
Leuner, Kirstyn 1
Levin, Edgar R. 1
Lockley, Lawrence C. 1
Lyons, James J., S.J., Fr. 1
Maher, Zacheus J., S.J., Fr. 1
Malone, Michael S. 1
Manaster, Kenneth A. 1
Mann, Mali A. 1
Martin, Norman, S.J. (Norman F. Martin, S.J.), 1914-2006 (Jesuit) 1
McCoy, Cornelius J., S.J., Fr. 1
McKevitt, Gerald 1
Mei, Alexis 1
Merle, Martin V. 1
Milliken, Randall 1
Mongoven, Anne Marie 1
Montgomery, Shirlie (1918-) 1
Murphy, Timothy L., S.J., Fr. 1
O'Brien, Kevin F., S.J., Fr. 1
+ ∧ less