Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 344
Associated Students of Santa Clara University (ASSCU) records
Records document activities of Associated Students of Santa Clara Univeristy and its predecessor organizations, from 1889 through 1993. Records include classbook ledgers from 1889-1892, Executive Board records from 1915-1983, Senate minutes from 1948-1993, subject files of student class President Hector Morena from 1980-1983, student government scrapbook from 1958-1959, and student government publications.
Athletic Department publications
History and summary of athletics program at Santa Clara. Newsletters from the Athletics Department. Includes "Memo from Barry DeVita, 'The Voice of the Broncos,' September 1969.
Athletics Department clippings file
The collection consists of 4 boxes of newspaper clippings from the 20th century regarding athletics at SCU. It also includes a 1909 Scrapbook.
Conrad S. Babcock papers
Baccalaureate mass records
The baccalaureate mass programs consist of the programs for baccalaureate masses held each academic year, from 1859 to the present.
Baseball program materials
Files contain newspaper clippings, media guides, season schedules, score cards, and rosters of players and coaching staff. The media guides are publications used by the local and national media to track the teams; the media guides include season previews, player profiles, photos, statistics, and historical records.