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Showing Records: 1 - 10 of 30634

00M3 Mexican Revolution and Founding of PRI 002-22, n.d.

 File — Box 4: [Barcode: 35098110822874], Folder: 11
Scope and Content of the Collection From the Collection:

The Eric O. Hanson Papers consists of 5 record cartons, 1 document box, and 2 oversized materials boxes. It contains the papers of Eric O. Hanson, former professor in Political Science at Santa Clara University. The collection consists of class materials, readings, newspapers and newspaper clippings, and pins.

Dates: n.d.

#1, #3, 8, 14, 22, 6, 1992 May

 File — Binder 44: [Barcode: 35098106435111], Page: 34
Identifier: 901-045
Scope and Content of the Collection From the Collection:

Includes 35mm negatives and some 2x2 format negatives of images of people, events and buildings on campus. The photographs were taken for University's public relations department, previously known as News Office, now University Communications, for use primarily in press releases and University publications.

Dates: 1992 May

1 pair of wool gloves

 Item — Carton 12: [Barcode: 35098110629527]
Scope and Content From the Collection: The Francis L. Markey papers, 1975-2009 (bulk 1975-1986), consist of materials spanning approximately sixty years of Fr. Markey's service as a pastor and chaplain. The collection includes newspaper clippings of Markey's weekly column, "As Seen From Here," which was published in the Cabrillo Times in Aptos, California and theGreen Sheet in Capitola, California for 10 years, nearly 600 working drafts of his typewritten...
Dates: 1975-2009; Majority of material found within 1975 - 1986

1 through 10, Begins: September 30th 1925

 File — Box 1: [Barcode: 35098106427357], Folder: 1
Dates: Other: Begins: September 30th 1925

1A, 2A, 3A, 5A, 1992 May

 File — Binder 44: [Barcode: 35098106435111], Page: 32
Identifier: 901-045
Scope and Content of the Collection From the Collection:

Includes 35mm negatives and some 2x2 format negatives of images of people, events and buildings on campus. The photographs were taken for University's public relations department, previously known as News Office, now University Communications, for use primarily in press releases and University publications.

Dates: 1992 May

2. 2 208 1/ DM/ DF 208 S-W1/ VQ208, Sept. 2006

 File — Box 3: [Barcode: 35098110822783], Folder: 2
Scope and Content of the Collection From the File: This collection contains sleep and dreaming study participant surveys, recordings, dream recall notes, sleep and lifestyle assessments, and study protocols, methodological records, CD recordings of sleep data, and documents. It is arranged into two series. The first series documents a home-based, longitudinal dream recall study (N = 147 Participants). This data set includes narrative reports and participants' ratings of the subjective qualities of their reported dreams. Files are arranged by...
Dates: Sept. 2006

002-3 Challenge of the West, n.d.

 File — Box 5: [Barcode: 35098110822882], Folder: 57
Scope and Content of the Collection From the Collection:

The Eric O. Hanson Papers consists of 5 record cartons, 1 document box, and 2 oversized materials boxes. It contains the papers of Eric O. Hanson, former professor in Political Science at Santa Clara University. The collection consists of class materials, readings, newspapers and newspaper clippings, and pins.

Dates: n.d.

002-4 Victory of Mao, n.d.

 File — Box 5: [Barcode: 35098110822882], Folder: 54
Scope and Content of the Collection From the Collection:

The Eric O. Hanson Papers consists of 5 record cartons, 1 document box, and 2 oversized materials boxes. It contains the papers of Eric O. Hanson, former professor in Political Science at Santa Clara University. The collection consists of class materials, readings, newspapers and newspaper clippings, and pins.

Dates: n.d.

002-5 Canton Under Communism, n.d.

 File — Box 5: [Barcode: 35098110822882], Folder: 53
Scope and Content of the Collection From the Collection:

The Eric O. Hanson Papers consists of 5 record cartons, 1 document box, and 2 oversized materials boxes. It contains the papers of Eric O. Hanson, former professor in Political Science at Santa Clara University. The collection consists of class materials, readings, newspapers and newspaper clippings, and pins.

Dates: n.d.

002-20 Latin Amer. Catholic Politics (002 and 139), 2008-2013

 File — Box 4: [Barcode: 35098110822874], Folder: 14
Scope and Content of the Collection From the Collection:

The Eric O. Hanson Papers consists of 5 record cartons, 1 document box, and 2 oversized materials boxes. It contains the papers of Eric O. Hanson, former professor in Political Science at Santa Clara University. The collection consists of class materials, readings, newspapers and newspaper clippings, and pins.

Dates: 2008-2013

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Archives & Special Collections, Santa Clara University Library 21523
Sisters of the Holy Family Archive 9017
/repositories/5 94
Archival Object 30603
Digital Record 31
Santa Clara College (Calif.) 8
Santa Clara University (Calif.) 8
Missions -- California 7
Education, Higher -- United States -- California 6
Santa Clara University -- History 6
∨ more
Education, Higher -- California -- San Jose 5
California -- Church history -- Archival resources 4
College sports -- California 3
Alaska 2
Baptismal records 2
Burial records 2
California -- History -- Archival resources 2
Californios 2
Chicano literature (English) 2
Jesuits -- History 2
King Island Native Community 2
Marriage records 2
Novelists, American -- 20th century -- Archival resources 2
Santa Clara (Calif.) -- History, Local 2
Students -- Societies 2
Wine Group (Firm) 2
Account books 1
Aeronautics 1
Alta California 1
American literature -- 20th century 1
American newspapers -- Aptos (Calif.) 1
American newspapers -- Capitola (Calif.) 1
Augustinians -- Bolivia 1
Beatification 1
Bohemian Club (San Francisco, Calif.) 1
Buildings 1
California 1
California -- History -- 19th century -- Archival resources 1
California -- History -- To 1851 -- Archival resources 1
Catholic higher education 1
Catholic universities and colleges--California--Santa Clara. 1
Chicano movement 1
Commencement ceremonies 1
Correspondence 1
Dramatists, American 1
Franciscans -- California 1
Homilies 1
Hubbard, Bernard R. (Bernard Rosecrans), 1888-1962 1
Jesuit Historical Institute 1
Lambs (New York, N.Y.) 1
Land Grants -- New Mexico 1
Mexican American authors 1
Mexican Americans -- California -- History 1
Missions, Spanish -- California -- History -- Archival resources. 1
Music -- Manuscripts 1
New Mexico -- History 1
New Spain History 1
Newsletters 1
Nuns 1
Ohlone Indians -- Missions -- California 1
Philippines -- History -- Philippine American War, 1899-1902 1
Pioneers -- California -- Biography 1
Plumas County (Calif.) 1
Portraits 1
Presidential inaugurations -- Washington (D.C.) 1
Religious life 1
San Francisco (Calif.) -- History 1
Santa Clara University (Calif.) -- Archives 1
Santa Clara University (Calif.) -- Department of History 1
Santa Clara University -- Treasurer's Office -- History 1
Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County, Calif.) 1
Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County, Calif.) -- History, Local 1
Speeches, addresses, etc. 1
Student activities 1
Students -- Social life and customs 1
United States Army -- Officers 1
Universities and colleges -- Curricula -- Catalogs 1
World War, 1914-1918 -- Campaigns -- France 1
+ ∧ less
English 446
French 63
Spanish; Castilian 9
English, Old (ca.450-1100) 6
Latin 2
∨ more  
Ciocca, Arthur A. 15
Skowronek, Russel K. 15
Lagomarsino, Ron 8
Gerzovich, Stephen 7
Maddox, Marya 7
∨ more
Saiz, Stephen 7
Coyle, James 6
Glasner, Joseph Paul 6
Rieser, Michael 6
Trombetta, Robbie 6
Bomba, Christopher 5
Casey, Dennis 5
Santa Clara University (Calif.) 5
Sisters of the Holy Family (San Francisco, Calif.) 5
Smith, Kurtwood 5
Ventura, Paul 5
Delaware, Richard 4
Flossi, Jeffrey 4
Frederick, Kirk 4
Kornievsky, George 4
Thoman, Donna Jean 4
Walker, Patti 4
Westermark, George 4
Althouse, Phil 3
Greenbach, Pam 3
Gunderson, Cherielyn 3
Hofvendahl, Steve 3
Hubbard, Bernard R. (Bernard Rosecrans), 1888-1962 3
James, Ann 3
Kachel, Greg 3
Keenan, Michael 3
Kern, Roger 3
Lampkin, Charles 3
Maida, Rosalind 3
Martin, Michael X. 3
Myers, Denise 3
Powers, Charles 3
Santa Clara University (Calif.). Office of the President 3
Siegle, Candace 3
Stephen, Schultz 3
Andrews, Granville 2
Burke, Judith 2
Campisa, Tony 2
Cayward, Margaret L. 2
Cross, Lisa 2
Delgado, Rubin 2
Dietz, Karyn 2
Garcia, Lorie 2
Gibson, Albert L. 2
Gough, Michael 2
Graham, Margaret A. 2
Hanafin, Hope 2
Hannon, Mark 2
Hauber, Christianne 2
James, Bill 2
James, William R. 2
Krebslach, Clare 2
Lavagetto, Jeff 2
McConville, Mark 2
Milton, Michael 2
Oeh, Karen 2
Orich, Jan 2
Pellegrini, Carl 2
Pierce, Lorna 2
Remo, Doreen 2
Rewak, William J., S.J., Fr. 2
Salazar, John 2
Schirle, Joan 2
Sischka, Robert 2
Smith, Dana 2
Swedlow, Barbara Detrick 2
Tollini, Fred, Fr., S.J. 2
Wills, Terry 2
Wiltshire, J. Irvings 2
Akin, Tim 1
Alexander, Phoebe 1
Alexanderson, Gerald L. 1
Allen, Lamont 1
Alvarez, Armando 1
Avilla, Richard 1
Babcock, Conrad S. (Conrad Stanton), 1876-1950 1
Barrack, Joseph 1
Battaglieri, Jim 1
Beilharz, Edwin A. 1
Bell, Catherine M., 1953- 1
Bender, Lynda 1
Berry, Mary 1
Berto, Elena 1
Bielby, Bill 1
Blume, Joanna M. 1
Boland, John 1
Bratt, Heather 1
Brown, Alan K. 1
Brozda, Mike 1
Brunt, Jeff Van 1
Campesi, Tony 1
Carlson, Richard 1
Catalá, Magin, 1761-1830 1
Chartkoff, Joseph L. 1
Chonette, Diane 1
+ ∧ less